• 1. APlausE-MR – Audiovisual Plausibility and Experience in Multi-Party Mixed Reality
  • PIs: Karlheinz Brandenburg, Bernd Fröhlich, Alexander Raake

  • 2. Audio-visual perception of vehicles while navigating in traffic: Design, evaluation, and research application of multimodal virtual environment technologies
  • PIs: Mehmet Ercan Altinsoy, Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel

  • 3. Cognitive and signal-driven factors in static and dynamic distance perception
  • PIs: Stephan Ewert, Steven van de Par, Virginia Flanagin

  • 4. Coordination Fund
  • PIs: Janina Fels

  • 5. Development and Validation of Audio-visual VR Technology on the Basis of Experiments on Auditory Localization and Attention in Virtual and Real 3D-Spaces
  • PIs: Rainer Martin, Stephan Getzmann

  • 6. Evaluating cognitive performance in classroom scenarios using audiovisual virtual reality – ECoClass-VR
  • PIs: Janina Fels, Alexander Raake, Maria Klatte

  • 7. Influence of audio rendering in virtual environments on realism, presence, and socio-cognitive processing
  • PIs: Matthias Blau, Steven van de Par, Andreas Mühlberger

  • 8. Influence of visual cues in interactive audiovisual virtual environments on auditory attention decoding and cortical tracking of speech
  • PIs: Stefan Debener, Volker Hohmann

  • 9. Listening to, and remembering conversations between two talkers: Cognitive research using embodied conversational agents in audiovisual virtual environments
  • PIs: Janina Fels, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Sabine Schlittmeier

  • 10. Perceptual learning and neural plasticity in synthetic worlds. The case of distance perception
  • PIs: Marc Schoenwiesner, Stefan Weinzierl

  • 11. QoEvaVE – QoE Evaluation of Interactive Virtual Environments with Audiovisual Scenes
  • PIs: Emanuel Habets, Alexander Raake